There were these old woods out behind my Aunt and Uncle's house in the south. Now, listen up, this is a true story… Anyway, Aunt Caroline and Uncle Jerry were their names. They lived near some boggy area in Florida. And these woods were where I instinctively wanted to go every time we visited. I took this picture of my childhood "arch-nemesis" with an old 110 insta-matic camera I got for free for collecting box tops off some tasteless cereal. But, I digress. His name was Capt Angry Wood. He led the armies of the FaunaFolk in their conquest to capture more sun and rainwater rites from the "Cretans". The "Cretans" were tall, square structures comprised of something they called "con-crete" and some clear barriers all lined up in rows from top to bottom. They were always at war with each other. Anyway, I think I was around 17 years old when I learned Capt Angry Wood and his armies fell away to what they called a "Super Mall". And, it must have been something really powerful, because they didn't stand a chance. I heard the battle only lasted one day. Coincidentally, that battle was lost the same day my Aunt and Uncle sold their house and property... |